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Spain Hotel Booking 80% OFF

4.8 ( 6688 ratings )
السفر الترفيه
المطور: Hoo sim Lock

Planning to travel for a holiday in Spain?
Finding a hotel, motel or hostel to stay in Spain?
Missed your train? Flight delayed? Need a room last minute? Need a hotel fast?

Simple, powerful and fast - one search for easy comparison and hotel booking with all best prices on one screen to save up to 80% off from the hotel room rate using our app!

You may also find places of interests not only Spain but also worldwide using search all countries with our app.

Reserve your hotel with ease and at the best rate from your phone.

Search for nearby hotels or hostels or budget hotel in Spain.
Hotel Reservations made easy with this Spain Hotel app. Simple and secure booking process.
Hotel information, guest reviews, photos, descriptions, maps of hotel.
Save up to 80% discounts on hotels, hostels and motels. Instant online and phone bookings available with immediate room confirmation.

Features include:
- Simple search by location, dates and number of guests.
- “Around Me” search to find what is available around you at the exact moment.
- Search results can be viewed in 2 ways either on a map or in a list format.
- Interactive map with zoom in, zoom out and swipe to reveal more hotels.
- Comparison table for all hotels and the best rate available from www.hotels.com, www.agoda.com, www.booking.com, www.expedia.com, www.lastminute.com, www.priceline.com, www.hotels4u.com, www.hostelbookers.com, www.laterooms.com, www.easytobook.com etc.

Included travel camera with photo frame for you to take photos with your loved ones and a block game to play with when you rest in hotel or during your travel journey.

Download today for FREE and book your hotel room now!